Friday, June 26, 2009

Missing Summer Vacations . . .

Ah summer. How I'd love to go back and be a kid again during these months. The anticipation of the end of the school year, staring out the window distracted by the sun, signing yearbooks, and the rush of freedom as crowds of stir-crazy kids made the last exodus of the school year out those doors and onto the buses and into cars to head out for fun in the sun.

I was one of those kids who always had a job, but that didn't distract from the fun. One of my jobs was at a Christian Campground where youth groups came for retreats. Break times were spent canoeing, lazing on the little island in the middle of the lake, horseback riding, or running the obstacle course. Even being on duty was fun, serving the food in the mess hall, working in the concession stand afterwards, living in the cabins at night, doing housekeeping duties in between times. Those days were filled to the brim with laughter, sunshine, hard work, and great memories.

It's funny how kids eagerly rush into adulthood, never realizing that with that growth comes responsibility and the forfeiture of lazy sleep-in days, jobs that inject summer fun into the duty roster, and the endless energy that made those days longer and fuller than any others for the rest of the year.

It is because of these memories that I encourage each of us to go camping, take a hike, roast hot dogs or marshmallows over a fire, skip rocks on the lake, take some time for a lazy sleep-in, or just lay in the middle of a meadow of flowers watching the clouds float by overhead. Re-live at least one childhood summer memory as you go about the business of being a grown-up. It'll make your summer feel like summer, and breathe fresh air into the monotony of yet another day. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need to plan a picnic!

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