Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Making Space for Growth . . .Leave No Room for Regret

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd posted anything. Ever since that blasted tree hit the house it has seemed like we have been in a whirlwind of activity! It's high time to catch up on all the news - most of it great!

In May my beloved daughter moved back home to Washington. After 9 months of learning that Colorado was not the place for her, at least not in the situation she was in at the time, it was decided that she was going to come home. We put our heads together and made it happen. The sight of her at the airport, beautiful, confident and HOME filled my heart with a joy that is impossible to describe. Life was getting back to what it should be, both kids were in the same time zone and I was happy with that. Of course as with any transition it's had its growing pains, but the joy is still there and this mama couldn't be more thrilled. To top of THIS great news, her boyfriend decided that he missed her way too much and couldn't let her leave his life, so he too moved back from Colorado to Washington, and we are one big happy family again, even if we are all running in different directions most of the time. We KNOW that we're close by, and that's what is important.

June is still playing itself out, but honestly what gives with the winter weather this late in the year? I swear we all need to don hip waders just for daily living! They say Washington gets a lot of rain, and for years I had to laugh at "them" because it really wasn't that bad. Until now. NOW? Now it's raining constantly it seems, though I must admit that for right this minute the sun is out and the clouds are more puffy in nature than ominous. Many lovely visits with family and friends are planned for the summer, along with the usual chaos of yard work, garage work, etc.

But THE event to top off summer, THE dream vacation that I've always secretly longed for, my wonderful husband is making happen! In September we go on a cruise to Alaska. I know, Alaska! I said it! Some people dream of world travel, going to hot tropical places . . . I dream of Alaska, last frontier, wilderness, ice, cold, amazingly wild and beautiful Alaska. Everyone can keep their trips to Europe, South America, Africa and the like. I get to go visit Alaska and am thrilled beyond thrilled to be going!

For right now though, until the trip happens, my mind is all over the place, thinking of things I need to do to get ready - the main one of which is to lose a little more weight. I can stand to lose a LOT more weight, but I'd like to be down 1 size, maybe 2, before I go. Will I get on that ship at my current weight? Sure I will, wouldn't miss it for the world! But I'd like to dress up for hubby and not feel like the hippo in the silk skirt, you know? Exercise, tracking my food, trying to get enough sleep, getting support and encouragement from family and friends, all the components are there. Now it's up to me to put them all together and make it happen.

Everything I thought I knew was sort of compartmentalized in my head in the here and now, meaning in or near my town in Washington State. But now? I am expanding my horizons to learn about someplace new, experience something different, and have time with my husband to have the honeymoon we should have had if time had allowed when we got married. So of everything I have to learn about what I didn't know . . . It's to allow room for mental and emotional growth - and leave unlimited space for spiritual growth so there are not spaces left in your head and heart for regret. Now, luggage, I need to find some luggage . . .

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