Monday, August 24, 2009

Where Do The Years Go?

It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital giving birth to my son . . . but it was yesterday that marked 21 years of his life - 21 amazing years of being the mother to my wonderful boy. I look at him and wonder where the years went, and how did they go by so quickly?

This child created adventure from the moment he decided he was ready to come into this world. He's always been a spontaneous kid, and I knew he was going to be when labor hit suddenly with the breakage of water and sudden onset of continual labor pains. No gentle contractions leading up to it - oh no! Not for my kid! One moment I was sleeping soundly, next I was kneeling on the bathroom floor in a puddle with red hot pain shooting through my body. I never had contractions with my daughter either, so I should have expected something like this - but the doctors had assured me that all births are different. Boy do they lie or what??? After literally nagging my ex out of bed - who was insisting that I had HOURS so go back to sleep - and crawling down the hall dragging my hospital bag with me, grateful my little brother was there to babysit our daughter, I finally got him to take me somewhat seriously, and after ironing his shirt (WHAT THE HECK?) and carefully combing his hair (AGAIN, WHAT THE HECK???), he slowly began the 15 minute (felt like 15 hour) drive to the hospital, where he made me WALK into the emergency room. We'd had 2 false alarms, since I didn't know what to expect I had thought I was in labor before, so he was sure I was making it up. Um, yeah. The water ALWAYS breaks for a false alarm. The nurses recognized me and had the audacity to patronize me. "Are we SURE this time?" UM, YES BI---! WE'RE SURE!" I'm fairly certain my head spun around a couple times and green spew came out - but it all was happening so fast I can't swear it. After an agonizingly slow trip to my room, followed by a quick peek by the nurse on duty, which was followed by an "OMG - I SEE THE BABY'S HEAD - DON'T PUSH!!!" (told ya I wasn't making it up), and a flurry of activity as they got me immediately into delivery, my doctor raced in the room, shoved her hands into gloves and caught G after one mighty push by yours truly. From moment of water breaking - 1hour 47 minutes. When this child makes up his mind about something, he means it!!!

It's been that way since. He was a very strong willed toddler, grew into a strong willed child, moved on to strong willed adult. But he has an equally strong conscience, intelligence, sense of right vs wrong, dedication to family and country, and is a man I am proud to call my son. He's handsome, with a twinkle in his bright blue eyes, and a laugh that is as infectious as it is genuine. He calls life as he sees it, doesn't hide his feelings to spare someone elses, and lives by his own guidelines.

Welcome to 21 son - it seems like just a blink has gone by - but I know you're ready to face life as a full adult as you did your life as a child. With honor, integrity and a sense of fun thrown into the responsibilities of living. I'm proud of you.

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