Monday, August 10, 2009

For Now My Thoughts Can Be Spoken Freely . . .

There are some moments in this life that you take a step back and just say "Wow!" at the absolute inability for some people to accept that you just don't agree with them. For the 8 years of the Bush administration all I heard was griping and gnashing of teeth from the left leaning contingent. Sure President Bush made mistakes - doesn't everyone? It comes with the territory of being human, and the last time I checked there was only One who was deemed to be perfect - and He died and rose again many years ago. Apparently that wasn't good enough for those who view the world as a place to paint with only their own ideas, feeeeelings (we all have to feeeeel good, right?) and opinions. If you differed with them you were slammed between the teeth with the virulent poison that passed as their idea of truth.

Apparently even those I deem to be nice people and liberal at the same time (they are not always easy to find, but they do exist) don't appreciate it when I exercise my right to put it out there that I think every single person who voted for the current regime had their heads up an orifice that was dark and stinky. They didn't use even two brain cells to THINK about what it would mean to elect a wannabe dictator who wishes to strip us of our every constitutional right - one by one. He wants to put us firmly into a socialist way of life - killing the freedoms that we have come to hold so dear. I took one of those polls on Facebook, one that asked me if I would vote to re-elect President O. Well, I stated something to the affect that at least 73.8% of those who voted were using their brains and would not vote to re-elect him. I offended someone - oh poor girl. She's a nice lady and I've had many fun conversations with her, but she's under the misunderstanding that her choice for President was a good one and she commented back to me that she found what I said to be insulting. Well so sorry. Um, no, I'm not.

I'm NOT sorry for exercising my right to say what I feel out loud, and with pride.
I'm NOT sorry that I am a free citizen of the greatest nation in the world, and for the time being it IS still the greatest nation in the world. I'm NOT sorry for insulting this lady - perhaps, just perhaps, there's the smallest chance that she'll think a little before the next go-round at the voting booth. I doubt it, but there's a chance. You see, some people can't admit it if they are wrong. I can. If I turn out to be wrong - which I sincerely doubt will happen - I will admit it. I won't like admitting it, but I'll admit it. But would the left do the same? I doubt it with all of my heart.

So, Let Freedom Ring - Let Your Voices Be Heard - while you can still let those thoughts be spoken freely.

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