Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Am So Very Grateful . . .

I have an amazing husband. He makes me feel loved and cherished each and every day of my life. His face is the first thing I see every morning,and the last thing I see before I go to sleep, my heart filled with the joy of being his wife. I am so very grateful. Thank you God for R.

I have two amazing and wonderful children who are my pride and joy. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they sometimes make me very angry, but they are mine and they are wonderful, and I am so very grateful. Thank you God for K & G.

I know that my children are in love with people who make them happy, make them angry, make them laugh and sometimes make them cry. I love them as if they were my own, and they make me proud to know them, and for my children's happiness I am so very grateful. Thank you God for C & A.

I am blessed with parents who are still married to each other even over all the years of ups and downs, and that they love my brother and I more than life. I know that they would do anything for me, no matter what, and the feelings and love are returned equally. For my wonderful parents, I am very grateful. Thank you God for Mom and Dad.

I have a brother, and his family, who I am reconnecting with after years of not being close. He makes me laugh, he has made me cry, but for my brother, I am grateful. Thank you God for J and his family.

I am blessed with friends, dear, wonderful, friends. You know who you are when you read this and know that for you, I am so grateful. Thank you God for my friends.

In the current economy I am blessed that R and I both have jobs that keep the bills paid, food on the table and fuel in the cars. We are able to splurge on some fun items and day trips, and indulge ourselves with things some aren't able to do. My husband and I see eye to eye on things of political and spiritual natures and can discuss them without argument and with total absorption in our discussions. For this I am very grateful as it contributes to wonderful communication with each other. In a world filled with such sadness, anger, hatred and discord, I am living such a blessed life in so very many ways. Makes the little set-backs seem very small and insignificant.

I am so very grateful Lord for all the blessings you have bestowed upon my family and myself. If I haven't said it lately, Thank You. Thank You for loving me enough to provide such a blessed life, such a wonderful family, and such amazing friends. Thank You.

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