Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happiness Is In the Unexpected Moments . . .

We're in the end stages of moving, so meals are on a catch as catch can basis lately. I've not been buying a lot of groceries at a time because I just don't want to move them again! Anyway, that's why I had to go to WalMart after work the other night, at the worst possible time of day to be there, right after work. Oh my goodness it was crazy busy! People were darting in and out, stopping in front of my cart, pulling in front of me so I'd barely miss hitting them - and I was losing patience pretty quickly. I could actually FEEL my blood pressure rising!

I finished shopping for the items that weren't cold, and headed for the freezer to get some ice cream for dessert - not paying the slightest bit of attention to WHO was around me, just trying not to run over someone's child, or into someone's abandoned cart. I hear this voice from far away . . . "HEY! LOOK WHO'S HERE!! MOM!!! HEY MOM!" and there at the other end of the ice cream freezers was my son and his girlfriend. He ran to me and picked me up in a bear hug, nearly cracking my spine, and lightening my heart. Suddenly all those people didn't mean anything to me, their rudeness faded away, and my world was peaceful. My boy, true to how he's been all of his life, STILL didn't mind hugging his mother in public, and knew exactly how to make all right with my world. Have you hugged your kid today?

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