Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In Loving Memory of a Beloved Pet

On July 20th I received a call at work from my daughter, who recently moved to a new state, leaving behind her everything she knew and loved - except for her pet chinchilla Lola Rose. Lola became part of our family on my daughter's sweet 16 birthday, and has been beloved and adorable in the 9 years since that day. She went with K to her new home, a solid bit of childhood and security, always cute, always snugly, and always loved. The call from K was horrifying and painful. All I could hear was absolute horror and shock in her voice as she cried "HE KILLED MY BABY! HE KILLED MY BABY!" One of the dogs, a rescue from an abusive home, waited for an opportune moment, broke into the cage and . . . well . . . Lola Rose has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to where we hope and pray she doesn't remember what happened to her. Lola has been laid to rest under a tree in the Colorado mountains, which is sort of back to her roots - since chinchilla are native to the Peruvian mountains. Prayers have been said, flowers decorate her resting place, and her memory will always live on.

This post is in memory of that sweet little furry creature, who made all of us laugh when standing up on her rear legs so she could clutch a raisin in her front paws, little hands actually, and eat the cherished treat. She was so soft it was like holding a little cloud, and could get the most indignant expression on her face when she was woken up unexpectedly, or if she didn't have the treat she wanted - when she wanted it. Lola was a great camper. She even had her own little mini-tent! She'd laze in the shade of the tree under which her tent was set, and sleep the day away, content and snug in her little nest. This little critter could melt the heart of even the most critter hating person, with her comical antics as she took her "bath" in volcanic ash, leaving her with the light grey hue of a little ghost.

May God keep even the least among us safe and in His tender care, and may K see her little friend again someday. And may God grant K peace in her heart over her loss and healing from the pain and trauma of her death.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happiness Is In the Unexpected Moments . . .

We're in the end stages of moving, so meals are on a catch as catch can basis lately. I've not been buying a lot of groceries at a time because I just don't want to move them again! Anyway, that's why I had to go to WalMart after work the other night, at the worst possible time of day to be there, right after work. Oh my goodness it was crazy busy! People were darting in and out, stopping in front of my cart, pulling in front of me so I'd barely miss hitting them - and I was losing patience pretty quickly. I could actually FEEL my blood pressure rising!

I finished shopping for the items that weren't cold, and headed for the freezer to get some ice cream for dessert - not paying the slightest bit of attention to WHO was around me, just trying not to run over someone's child, or into someone's abandoned cart. I hear this voice from far away . . . "HEY! LOOK WHO'S HERE!! MOM!!! HEY MOM!" and there at the other end of the ice cream freezers was my son and his girlfriend. He ran to me and picked me up in a bear hug, nearly cracking my spine, and lightening my heart. Suddenly all those people didn't mean anything to me, their rudeness faded away, and my world was peaceful. My boy, true to how he's been all of his life, STILL didn't mind hugging his mother in public, and knew exactly how to make all right with my world. Have you hugged your kid today?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day . . . Thank You For Your Service

This subject nearly overwhelms me to think about. The emotions that arise when I think of the men and women of our armed forces clog my throat, overflow my eyes with tears, and fill my heart with pride. You see I'm from a military family. I had Grandfathers in WWII and the Korean War, my father and uncles were in the Vietnam War, my brother in Desert Storm, my future son-in-law did 2 tours in Iraq - suffering a horrible injury in 2006, my son and future daughter-in-law are in the USCG and have been deployed for one 6 month time, and are looking at another deployment next year. Those are just a few. Many more of my family past and present have served our country. My life is surrounded and filled with these brave men and women who serve our nation, and keep us the independent nation that we are.

My future son-in-law was shot in the face in 2006, he lost his right eye, has had numerous surgeries to repair the shattered bone structure, now has a prosthetic eye, has permanent traumatic brain damage, suffers grand mal seizures, memory loss, etc. but you know what his fondest wish is? To go back, to serve his country again. He is a hero. He saved his men, even AFTER being shot, continuing to do what he was trained to do, even though he was so traumatically injured. God Bless Him. And to this wonderful young man, thank you. Thank you for being in our lives, for serving our country and for being the man you are. Thank you.

My son, my handsome wonderful son, serves our country in the US Coast Guard. He is prepared at any moment to serve both here, and abroad. Daily I pray for his safety, and that of his fiancee who also serves, and that any duty they undertake is done under the hand of God. Thank you son, thank you A. for your service. I love you both with all my heart.

Take some time to pray for our troops. Without them we would be under the rule of Britain to this day. Without them we would not have the freedoms, the choices, the voice to be heard, that we have. They are the backbone of this nation, may God allow them to continue to be in spite of those both within our government and outside of it, who would have it be otherwise.