Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seeing Through the Red Mist of Fury . . .

Rage can be consuming, to the point that putting on a happy face to present to the world becomes nearly impossible. Rage is swirls of red, orange and black spinning out of control in your mind's eye. Rage is pinpoint focus, an arrow to a direction that must be taken, a fire in your heart that takes hold until it is extinguished by justice.

Warning to all who think they are above the rest of us, who think they are special and entitled . . .

DO NOT GO AFTER ONE OF MY KIDS! Got it? If you're reading this, and I think you may at some point . . . you've made one very, very poor choice . . . my rage is red, focused and absolutely on fire. . . . but you'll find out soon enough. Justice can really be a bitch sometimes and always seems to land on the right side of the fence, which in this case is the side on which I am standing. You'll see.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Moment of Remembrance . . . We Will Never Forget

9/11. The mere mention of that date brings a hush and sense of overwhelming sadness to the soul of every red-blooded American. We can all recall the precise moment when we heard what had happened on that horrible day in New York, right here on our home soil, to hard working men and women, to a city, a nation, the world. It was the day when we were stripped of what innocence remained, naked and without the sense of being protected by the very strength of the borders within which we live. It was the day that we realized that we too are vulnerable to the evil that pervades the world and we are no longer insulated from that evil. We can no longer count on the safety that we have taken for granted for so long.

On that day we came together as a country, of one mind . . . one heart . . . one goal. We bonded together, across this nation, every walk of life, every religion, every ethnicity, every political affiliation . . . we united to rebuild, to heal, and to NEVER be victims of such senseless violence again. In the few short years since that day, though it seems as if it were just yesterday, we have deteriorated back to a nation of back biting, fighting, clashing and finger pointing. How quickly the memories of such devastation fade for those who have limited capacity to love our country for what She is, what She has been, and what She could potentially still be. How quickly the selfishness, hypocrisy, hatred and plotting one against another fall back into the old routine, as if the pain and horror of that fateful day never happened.

To those who would push our country down the path of destruction through stupid policies, through quest for power, through greed for more of what our neighbor may have, SHAME ON YOU! To those who walk on the graves of men, women and children who died that horrible day, remember that judgement day is pending for those who still walk this plane, and God is the ultimate judge. While you are busily pushing Him out of our schools, out of our public places, out of the government which was built in His name, and out of the holidays we celebrate in His honor - He is recording your actions, your thoughts, your words and the day is coming when you must relive them . . . through His eyes. At that point it will too late to wish He have mercy on your soul. None are free of sin, but some seem to perpetrate it on purpose and with glee and malice for the innocent, the honorable, the devout.

Please, take a moment to pray for the families and friends of those who perished on 9/11. Pray for the those who so valiantly worked to save as many as they could. Pray for the men and women who have served, and still serve, in our military, striving to protect our nation against such heinous violent acts from happening again. Pray for the families of those who serve. Pray for our country, for the preservation of the constitution on which we have built our very existence.