Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Country Tis of Thee . . .

Do you remember those old TV commercials with the Native American standing on a ridge, looking down over what used to be rolling hills filled with Buffalo, taking in a scene now filled with litter and careless destruction, while a single tear fell down his weather worn face? That's how I feel lately, every time I turn on the news, log onto my computer, open a newspaper . . . I see the destruction of everything our forefathers put their blood, sweat and tears into building - and it's not a careless destruction.

This is deliberate, done with hatred for the freedoms we hold so dear. It is done with selfishness, with a determination to control. It is done with disdain for those of us who love God, Family and Country with all of our hearts. It is done to ferociously attack and tear down, constitutional right by constitutional right, all that we are as a country, as a people, as a free thinking nation.

It is up to us, the free people, while we can still call ourselves free, to take a stand - no matter the risk - and say ENOUGH! Our forefathers did. They stood up and fought - and many died - for the rights that those in charge are systematically trashing. They stood up and said WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS LYING DOWN! And the didn't! They did what had to be done, took a stand, fought and won. When are we, as a people, as a cohesive voice for freedom, going to come together not in pockets of dissent here and there, but as ONE and fight for this country before she no longer exists?

The line forms here . . .

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